Pooleys supports The Spirit of Goole

At Aero Expo 2014, Pooleys met the team behind The Spirit of Goole project. So impressed were we by their enthusiasm and passion, that we need little persuading to help! The project falls under the YES program. Here is their story.
In October 2012, the Youth Education and Support arm of the Light Aircraft Association, joined forces with the Pupils of Goole High School to launch an ambitious and truly inspirational project to build a complete aircraft, a Sherwood Ranger XP Biplane, in only the 4th project of its kind in the UK.
Whilst the end result will be a beautiful 2 seat open cockpit aircraft, it is the journey itself, from conception to completion, that will inspire and motivate young people to get away from their TVs and Xboxes, to put their untapped creativity and talents into many different aspects of design, construction, IT, media, engineering and even marketing tasks, to achieve The Spirit of Goole.

To build the aircraft in the target time, the Students will undertake to give up 2 evenings per week, and every other Saturday. For many this will be a significant commitment, but the High School has already screened around 40 students who will carry out the hands-on build, whilst the other seniors will work on the peripheral projects.
Once completed, every Student involved will enjoy the thrill of flying with an instructor in “their Sherwood Ranger” To achieve this we have recruited 3 local Pilots and instructors who have volunteered to offer their service entirely free of charge for at least 2 years after the aircraft is complete.
Students showing real promise, will be awarded the hours to complete a full NPPL, again with instruction being provided FOC by our instructors.
If you would like to know more about the Spirit of Goole Build a Plane project or if you would like to know how you can help the charity, please visit www.thespiritofgoole.co.uk
You can support The Spirit of Goole with every purchase you make through the Pooleys website. You'll get a 5% discount off your order and TSOG will get up to 30% of the value of your order paid to them.
Use the promotional code 'tsog' during the checkout stages.
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