Pooleys Flight Booking System

New Pooleys Flight Booking System being launched this summer. Contact trade@pooleys.com for more information.

The Pooleys Flight Booking System has been created as an online, easy to use, low cost solution for flying schools.

Your own 21st Century Booking System  You can forget the old ways of pencil and paper, constant calls and endless admin. The site takes bookings 24/7 and all you need to do is authorise them. Plus, you can log in from any computer at anytime, anywhere.

Intelligent Booking  Whilst generating a booking, the system knows where booking times will conflict and only allows available slots to be chosen.

Swapping Bookings  Bookings can be swapped by instructor or aircraft by simply editing the booking. This way instructors can be changed from one slot to another keeping them in one aircraft or with certain students. No rubbing out, just the click of a button

Trial Flights  A specific section in the booking page allows you to enter trial flight contact details and booking references.

Cancelled Slots  Every time a booking is cancelled, the system keeps a separate record. This means you can easily track cancellations, reasons and repeat offenders.

Reschedule  The reschedule system copies any booking from the allocated day to a future chosen date. All bookings remarks and details are kept with the booking and the addition of 'rescheduled from...' allows you to keep track of how many times a booking has been changed.

Auto Reminder  Set auto emails to remind members of their future bookings.

Designed for the Latest Mobile Devices  The screen size has been designed for the iPad and works well on other 3G enabled mobile devices.

Data Backup  All data is backed up daily and on fully managed and supported servers. It can be exported at any time.

Fully Customised  Personalise the system with your logo and time slot configuration to match your existing system.

Contact our Trade Department to arrange a demonstration: +44 (0) 208 953 4870 trade@pooleys.com