Pooleys UK Flight Guide Amendments

Please find below links to PDF downloads of amendments (Airnotes) to the Pooleys Flight Guide to the United Kingdom:

The one Airnote text document will show all changes to the Flight Guide over the year, i.e. Airnote 4 will incorporate all changes from previous Airnotes 1-3.

Details of the changes are shown in the Airnote 4 PDF (5th September 2024) (AIRAC 09/2024) which you can download by following this link.

These changes have occurred since the 2024 edition of the Flight Guide went to print in October 2023.

Individual airfield changes will be published here when available.

P113 Bicester (September 2024) - Southern taxiway withdrawn.

P124 Birmingham (May 2024) - New Visual circuit diagram added.

P181 Carlisle (May 2024) - Aircraft parking now on south apron.

P193-195 Chichester/Goodwood (March 2024) - Heli aiming point added. Noise abatement procedures amended.

P219 Cranfield (June 2024) - Two D removed, Apron 3 & 4 added.

P230 Currock Hill (July 2024) - Frequency amended.

P265 East Midlands (November 2023) - Danger Area 324A added to diagram

P290 Enstone (January 2024) - Customs text revised.

P292 Eshott (May 2024) - New grass runway 07/25 added.

P301 Farnborough (December 2023) - New taxiway J added and new hangars 7-10 added.

P346 Hanley (Hanley William) - Withdrawn from Flight Guide.

P362 Honington (June 2024) - Runway extended to full length.

P377 Isle of Man (March 2024) - Taxiway and Hold designators amended.

P404 Langham (November 2023) - Visitors are no longer accepted. Plate withdrawn from guide.

P448 London/Luton (November 2023) - Taxiway E amended.

P486 Manchester/Barton (April 2024) - Flight procedures amended.

P563 & P565 Oxford (June 2024) - Under construction area now Airbus Hangar /Helipads. P565 Help operations re-written.

P597 Redhill (July 2024) - Hover squares renamed, run up areas added.

P650 Southend (March 2024) - Solar farm added.

P655/657 Stapleford (September 2024) - Noise abatement text re written/Circuit diagram re drawn.

P680 Tatenhall (September 2024) - Circuit text amended.

P688 Thruxton (April 2024) - Major changes to textual information.

P692 Tibenham (March 2024) - Tibenham Radio frequency amended to 133•565

P724 Whitchurch (Tilstock) (March 2024) - Unusable portion of runway displayed at northern end.

P739 Wolverhampton (February 2024) New helipads added.