Nordian Human Performance & Limitations (A & H) (5D)
Pooleys stock code: NOR106/Share
Product description
EASA Syllabus - Edition 7.2
Human factors’ training is a requirement of both the ICAO and EASA. The relevance of human factors may be simply summed up by the fact that approximately 75% of all air accidents are now accountable to human error in one form or another.
When considering the huge advances in aircraft safety in terms of technical reliability and accuracy, it is only prudent to consider the crew’s role in the improvement of flight safety.
This implies that all pilots must have a thorough knowledge of both flight physiology and psychological aspects relevant to aviation.
You will find these topics In the "Human Performance & Limitations" book, together with all other topics listed In the EASA ATPL Learning Objectives. Examples are Vision, Hearing and Balance, Spatial Disorientation and Sensory Illusions, the Nervous System, Hygiene, Human Error, Flight Deck Management, Stress, Sleep and Automation. The book also deals with Accident Statistics, Flight Safety Concepts and the SHELL Concept.
Nordian Books are extremely well written addressing the knowledge and exam preparation needs. The contents are mapped to the EASA and JAA syllabus. Separate editions cover the needs of the two syllabi. The books are complete and exhaustive with around 4000 sides of content. They are well illustrated with over 3500 high quality images and tables ensuring easy understanding of the material.
Nordian was initially established by the Norwegian Government in 1989 as a National Flight Academy and later as the National Institute of Civil Aviation, a recognised carrier of Norwegian aviation expertise.
The main activities of Nordian now include development of modern training material and training systems, distance learning management and consultancy services within all fields of aviation training.
ISBN: 978-82-8107-125-4