Image 0 of Holder for Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus

Holder for Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus

£31.00 inc. VAT @ 20%

Product description

High strength composite holder for the Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus Tablet WITHOUT case, skin or sleeve.


  1. Easy access to electronic ports maintaining full functionality 
  2. Patent pending roller design for super smooth placement and removal of the tablet
  3. High Strength Composite Material

Please note: 

  1. This product is not suitable to mount the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus when it is in a case, skin or sleeve. If this is the case, we recommend the X Grip II or the Tab-tite holders (see related products below)
  2. It is the sole responsibility of the user to comply with current legislation when mounting these products in vehicles.

Requires round plate accessory (See related products below).


Please note: This holder may not support your iPad if it has a screen protector.

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